Monday, July 21, 2008

A Gasp of Fresh Air

Korbel finished with 2 weekends of sold out houses, and turned out to be the highest money making show ever hosted at the theatre... WOO HOO! The cast was full of amazingly talented people who were all too kind and giving for their own good. A completely spectacular experience.

Next was a youth group from southern humboldt named Recycled Youth who put on a great show and pulled some great audiences.

In between shows we had some cabarets. One aimed at an older audience which tyler, kate and i performed the song "let's duet" for and were an absolute hit... I just played the guitar, they did all the work. I designed the lights for the next cabaret aimed at the pg/pg13 audience, and tyler sang a great song which was definitely the highlight of the evening.

I finally had a chance to get out of the town and get to a local swimming hole. We hiked 2 hours up the mad river and made it to two GIANT rocks (check out the pictures) which in between them formed an amazing swimming hole. We then hiked another 10 min up river to an old dam that had been completely blown up (picture of tyler and I as we are standing in the middle of it all). It was really eerie because of all the concrete boulders and ominous dam walls that are still left over. There was also a ton of metal shards and beams that were sticking out of all the rocks and ground that made swimming extra thrilling/dangerous for Tyler and I. It felt really good to get out into the beautiful nature that is here in northern California.

The next show to come in was the show The Forgotten King put on by my brother's ex-girl friend Anna Svensson. The show was amazing and Anna's performance was more spectacular than ever. It was a show aimed for 3-year-olds, but entertained even the oldest of audience members.

The most recent completed task was the organization of the Dell'Arte Pageant. This includes a huge parade through Blue Lake and a show int he middle of the street in front of Dell'Arte. There were people on stilts and a giant samba band, all followed by a show of physical giant puppetry (sun and moon ensemble of San Fransisco) over the theme of Pandora's Box. It all went well and finished with a finale of a 100 rocket balloons shooting into the air... pretty rockin'.

Now I am just starting to wrap up my stay here. This week we have the folklife festival which features all local Humboldt bands. It shouldn't be too much work. Overall this entire experience has been extremely rewarding and fun. I will make sure to write another entry after I get back and have started with my post-California activities.

hope all is well,

PS: the little girl in the picture is Cora. She is the one who named me Snort.