Friday, June 27, 2008

The Thrill of This Work...

is that it is constantly changing.

The past couple of weeks have been insane. It all started with the Prize Of Hope given to Tim Robbins and the Actors Gang, and is now wrapping up in the mayhem of our first big-scale production of the summer.

The Prize oh Hope was a blast. We had about 14 people from Denmark (where the prize was originated) here in order to give out the prize and be part of the ceremony (120 total. Tickets were about 150$ each). They were the drunkest the quickest and were the loudest the fastest... sounds like my family... They sang a song for Tim and The AG and made the night a bit more festive than it usually would have been... and better yet they actually can pronounce my name!

We had an incredible amount of volunteers in order to handle the serving of food, security, and the selling of alcohol. Everyone did 150% of their work and the whole night ran like a fine-tuned machine. There was one point when a couple of drunk guys slipped in without paying to give their movie to Tim Robbins thinking it was their "big chance" to become stars... but security took care of that in the blink of an eye.

The best part about the night for me was wearing a name tag that said Dell'Arte Staff Assistant T.D. It felt good to be finally in a position of some power at a professional space.

To see the live stream and speeches go to Dell'Arte's Website and here is a link to an article that sums up a lot about the event:

Korbel opened last night to a crowd of 250 (almost sold-out) in our backstage amphitheater and it went AMAZING. The crowd was responsive and the actors were definitely on their game... I even backed a van into a fence at the opening of the show because I was so excited.

We finished the lights Wednesday night and they were decent for the show the next day... luckily none of that heat is on me because I didnt DESIGN the show. Although I did hang every single instrument and set up every lighting position ALL BY MYSELF. A ridiculous amount of work if you look at it in the pictures. Although, I found my SODAK rigging seminar already useful in putting up those trusses and hanging the GIANT scenery pieces ( i was the official "will this work?" answerer for those couple of days.

Outside of work I am finding how anxious I am to finally be designing with light again. In the past few years I have only designed a couple of little things and it is starting to drive me nuts... this hunger for designing is really starting to show me where I find a really good fulfillment in theatre. Aside from this hunger I am learning to use Vectorworks (an Computer Aided Drafting program) and Lightwright (a lighting design spreadsheet program)... all in all: I am dying to finally get started on becoming a educated designer.

My thirst for this world is quite shocking to me. No matter how much I want to hate it (because of people just not DOING THINGS and my brother and I just having to do them ourselves) I find myself just falling deeper and deeper in love with the theatrical world, and especially with the light that illuminates it.

All the Best,
(I was nicknamed Snort by a 2 year old girl, Cora, who couldnt pronounce Søren... cutest thing in the world probably.)

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