Thursday, June 12, 2008

Workin' For a Higher Cause

(Picture 1-Set of Korbel)(Picture 2- Henry, a local, getting into the props)(Picture 3-View from my porch)

Well now that I have finally settled down I thought I would take sometime to go through some of the things I have been working on...

My main project is the production of Korbel. It involves a set of GIANT set pieces, including a very large nurse scantily clothed. The carpenters: Goatt and Jermey did amazing jobs putting all these pieces together but when it came to lifting EVERYONE had to help. It even included a trip to the roof with my brother and helping him repel off the roof of Dell'Arte by a grappling hook. By night I am in rehearsal with this show and am working with some pretty spectacular actors. My part is very functional, as in, I am on stage practically the whole time and the show slightly depends on myself and two other guys to keep it moving. I am sure I will post more pictures once everything is done and there are some people in costume up there.

My second biggest project right now is lighting. This includes hanging, striking, cleaning and overall anything that might have to do with lighting. I teched the graduation (with Spike, the current Lighting Designer) of the students here and that was pretty eventful... it included a very semi-formal beginning where the audience sang pomp and circumstance, and it even included a Gypsy band breaking through the wall to wish the professional development students good bye. It wasnt your common graduation. Up next is the Arcata ballet in the Carlo theatre and then Prize of Hope. Prize of Hope is an award ceremony started by denmark and was given to Dell'Arte and now they are in charge of the American POH. This year it is being given to Tim Robbins (shawshank redemption) and the Actors Gang... pretty exciting. The ceremony is on the 21st but already we are kicking it into high gear in order to host Mr. Robbins.

That is about it work-wise that is happening around here. My nights are filled with Rehearsal, Sword-Fighting, dinner at Tyler and Kate's (the fishbowl), 6 feet under, and people watching on my porch.

Blue Lake is an endlessly interesting place. You have stray cats and dogs everywhere (including under the amphitheater stage) that are always friendly and wanting to be petted. Additionally you have the guy who walks around with 3 donkeys and is dressed like something right out of a movie that sells pictures of himself and his animals. I also had the privilege of seeing The Rubberneckers live (a blue lake local band that i love!) and watched them get steadily more and more drunk throughout the show but somehow just get better musically: it was magic.

Thats all for now, but there will be much more to come.

All the best,

1 comment:

Sean said...

Good to hear that you are having a good time out there. I am loving the playhouse as well. I look forward to your next update.